Physiochemical properties of biodiesel produced from ogbono (Irvingia gabonesis) seed oil

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Bandi Iklima Ibrahim
Yahaya Shamsuddeen
Bature Hafsatu Buhari
Dabai Musa Usman
Adamu Samira Shehu
Shehu Ibrahim
Faruk Abubakar Atiku
Zainab Ibrahim Sarkin Gobir Adiya


Biodiesel is a promising alternative fuel and has gained significant attention due to the predicted depletion of conventional fossil fuels and environmental concerns. This study aims to produce biodiesel from ogbono seed oil (using 98 ml methanol and 2g potassium hydroxide (KOH) as a catalyst) via transesterification process and to determine the physiochemical properties of the biodiesel produced. The physiochemical
properties of the feedstock (extracted ogbono seed oil) were also determined before the transesterification process. The physiochemical properties of the produced biodiesel showed that it has a density of 0.5±0.00g/cm3, pour point of 2.0±0℃, saponification value of 58.90±0.06 mg KOH/g, ester value of 98.0±0.5% (m/m), iodine value of 26.64±0.15gI2/100g, acid value of 0.28±0.05 mgKOH/g, moisture value of 0.0006 ±0.0% and trace amounts of ash content. The results of the physiochemical properties of the produced biodiesel agree with ASTM-D6751 and EN 14214 standard. Thus, it was concluded that ogbono seed oil is an excellent feedstock for biodiesel production via base catalyzed transesterification process. 


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Ibrahim, B. I., Shamsuddeen, Y., Buhari, B. H., Usman, D. M., Shehu, A. S., Ibrahim, S., Atiku, F. A., & Adiya, Z. I. S. G. (2021). Physiochemical properties of biodiesel produced from ogbono (Irvingia gabonesis) seed oil. Journal of Biological Research and Biotechnology, 19(1), 1210-1216.


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