Mediators of arrested development as attractive malaria vector control tools: The Azadirachta indica and azadirachtin routes

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Ugwu Francis Stephen Ogbonna
Oyeagu Uchenna


Insecticides are utilized as key components in agriculture and public health tool-kits. Mosquitoes are targeted using out/indoor insecticide sprays and treated bed nets to reduce malaria. These practices are associated with increasing resistance in various species of mosquitoes, multiple insecticide use, environmental pollution, high cost and spread of malaria into regions where they did not exist before. This paper explores the possibility of developing a safer route to mosquito control through the use of plant secondary metabolites. Peer-reviewed literature on safe substances from biological sources with attractive potentials to mediate arrested development on water-based stages of mosquitoes were appraised. Google Scholar search engine was used to locate published works from reputable journals and institutions by feeding its dialogue search box with relevant key words. Insecticide use is bedeviled with lots of impediments which embolden malaria vectors to acquire resistance, destabilize the ecosystem besides causing public health problems. Plants such as Citrullus colocynthi, Azadirachta indica, etc. contain secondary metabolites that are effective in arresting eggs, larva and pupa in water. Azadirachta indica extract is reputed to have the highest activity against insect vectors. Its most active ingredient against vectors is azadirachtin. Its use in mosquito control will be sustainable as it is well endowed with both reduced cost, accessibility and effectiveness in small water bodies around human surroundings. Small- and large-scale production of azadirachtin can be done through plant tissue culture which is boosted with new editing tools in genetic engineering. Use of A. Indica’s azadirachtin is a safe malaria vector control that can be accomplished through imposition of arrested development on immature mosquitoes. Its role in deceiving egg laden mosquitoes deserve further investigations while funding agencies such as World Health Organization (WHO) and governments of Sub Sahara Africa should take advantage of this harmless route to eliminate malaria.


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Ogbonna, U. F. S., & Uchenna, O. (2023). Mediators of arrested development as attractive malaria vector control tools: The Azadirachta indica and azadirachtin routes. Journal of Biological Research and Biotechnology, 21(1), 1805-1817.


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