Treatment of Delonix regia wood with castor oil (Ricinus communis) protects it against white and brown rot fungi
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This study was aimed at assessing the resistance of Delonix regia wood treated with an eco-friendly bio preservative exploring castor (Ricinus communis) seed oil identified as a promising candidate for wood antifungal treatment, attributed to its documented antimicrobial properties. Sixty wood block samples of conditioned Delonix regia were treated with five different concentration levels (0 %, 25 %, 50 %, 75 % and 100 %) of formulated fungicides prepared from Sohxlet extracted oil of castor seeds and the untreated wood samples served as the control. The wood blocks were exposed to Pleurotus ostreatus (white rot fungi) and Sclerotium rolfsii (Brown rot fungi) for 14 weeks and parameters including preservative absorption, oil yield, and weight loss of the wood samples subjected to treatment were assessed. Using Analysis of variance (ANOVA) to analyze the data obtained, the mean oil yield of seeds of Ricinus communis extracted was 37.75%. The100% concentration level had the best performance with the highest absorption of 92.68 (kg/m3) while the least absorption (69.96 kg/m3) was recorded for the 25% concentration except for the control (0%) which was 118.60kg/m3. Statistically significant variations in weight loss were observed across different concentration levels, with a significance level of p < 0.05 and it ranged from 35.02 -31.42(%) for white rot while it ranged from 42.32 to 31.98(%) for brown rot apart from the control which was recorded to be 38.25% and 45.28% respectively. It can therefore be established that Delonix regia wood can be preserved with Ricinus communis seed oil extract against white rot and brown rot fungi.
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