Field evaluation of selected hybrid Dioscorea rotundata Poir (white yam) for tuber yield in two selected locations in South-eastern Nigeria
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Diascorea rotundata Poir (yam) is a primary staple food for many Nigerians, and the country produces the highest percentage of the crop in the world. Its efficiency is influenced by both genotypic traits and environmental factors. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with nine treatments of yam genotypes and three replications to evaluate tuber yield of the nine genotypes across two locations in one growing season. Propagation was done by cutting each tuber into several pieces of approximately 150g each.
The study was carried out at the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI) research farm Umudike, Abia State and Faculty of agriculture research farm Abakaliki, Ebonyi State University (EBSU). The analysis of the genotypes showed some variations within and across the locations; genotypes grown in Abakaliki were superior in the length of vines (cm), while those grown in Umudike were superior in germination percentage and vine girth. At harvest those in Abakaliki recorded total mean yield of 8 tubers and 3.17kg tuber weight, while those in Umudike recorded mean yield of 12 tubers and mean weight of 5.20kg. Across the locations TDr1401785 recorded the highest yield performance with mean yield of 19 tubers while TDr1000021 recorded the least with mean yield of 4 tubers. TDr1400359 recorded the maximum tuber size with mean weight of 6.8kg while TDr8902665 recorded the least with mean weight of 1.17kg. Applying diverse environmental and physicochemical conditions to study yam genotypes is essential for improving production techniques and optimizing breeding methods for better performance.
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