Effects of indole butyric acid and coconut liquid endosperm on rooting of Crateva adansonii stem
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Indole butyric acid (IBA) and coconut liquid endosperm (CLE), two rooting agents, were tested in three concentrations to see how they affected the rooting of Crateva adansonii DC stem cuttings. 300 mg/L, 200 mg/L, and 100 mg/L (IBA) of rooting material and 100%, 80%, and 60% of CLE were the concentrations that were assessed. This was done in three replications using completely randomized design (CRD). The setup, which lasted six months, was on exhibit in the Botanic Garden at the Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. While control stem cuttings took the longest to start and finish bud break on the stem cuttings, higher concentrations of the rooting chemical substances, 300 mg/L IBA and 100 percent CLE respectively, influenced the shortest times (initial and final). The results showed that the control had the fewest buds that sprouted into leaves, whereas 300 mg/L IBA and 100 percent CLE had the highest percentage of buds that turned into leaves on the stem cuttings. Regardless of the treatment concentrations utilized, a thin callus formed on the stem cuttings. Observations on rooting revealed that not all callused stem cuttings subsequently took root. IBA and CLE were applied to stem cuttings in various concentrations, and the results were seedlings with lateral and feeding roots. The maximum percentage of rooting response was seen in stem cuttings treated with 300 mg/L IBA and 100 percent CLE, respectively, while the control did not root. The findings of measuring the aerial and sub aerial growth characteristics of seedlings revealed that 300 mg/L IBA and 100 percent CLE had a greater impact on the development of higher values of the growth parameters examined than cuttings treated with lower concentrations of the two rooting agents. Based on the findings of this study, it is possible to draw the conclusion that C. adansonii can be multiplied vegetatively by using rooting agents to help stem cuttings take root. It is recommended that more research be done using rooting medium with a higher concentration and rooting agents like auxins at different concentrations.
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