Evaluation of some organic substrates for the growth and yield of oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.Fr.) Kumm in southeast Nigeria

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O. C. Josephat
C. C. Onyeke
N. V. Chiejina


Four organic substrates; Mahogany Sawdust (MSD), Corn Cobs (CC), Oil Palm Fruit Fibre (OPFF) and Rice Bran (RB) were evaluated for their effects on growth and yield of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.Fr.) Kumm. The completely randomized experimental design was adopted for the study with 4 treatments replicated 10 times. Results on mean number of days for spawn run, primordial formation and formation of fruit body were 19.90±0.28(CC)-25.20±0.29(MSD), 45.10±0.28(CC)-47.90±0.23(MSD) and 56.50±0.22(CC)- 59.40±0.27(MSD), respectively. Similarly, height of stipe, diameter of stipe and diameter of pileus ranges were 3.28±0.13 (MSD)-3.51±0.06 (RB),1.26±0.06 (OPFF)-1.39±0.05(RB) and 4.08±0.05(CC)- 4.70±0.04(OPFF), respectively. Fresh weights (g), dry weights (g) and biological efficiency were
10.20±0.31(OPFF)-11.05±0.14(MSD), 3.18±0.15(CC)-3.38±0.13(RB) and 4.14±0.14 (OPPF)- 4.42±0.06(MSD), respectively. Results on mushroom growth showed that CC took the least duration for full mycelial colonization and the longest duration occurred on MSD. There were significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) between the durations required for primordia formation among the four organic substrates. The results on mushroom yield showed that mean fresh weights of harvested mushrooms varied from 10.20±0.31 g on OPFF to 11.05±0.14 g on MSD. There were no significant differences (P ≥ 0.05) in the biological efficiency of mushrooms grown on MSD, CC and OPFF substrates. Considering the growth and yield attributes RB was observed to be the best substrate and could be used for commercial production of P. ostreatus among the various organic substrates used in this study. 


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Josephat, O. C., Onyeke, C. C., & Chiejina, N. V. (2020). Evaluation of some organic substrates for the growth and yield of oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.Fr.) Kumm in southeast Nigeria. Journal of Biological Research and Biotechnology, 18(1), 1085-1093. https://doi.org/10.4314/br.v18i1.3


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