Identification of plant-parasitic nematodes associated with Citrus sinensis L. Osebeck (sweet orange) in Benue State, Nigeria
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Plant-parasitic nematode (PPN) genera associated with rhizospheres of citrus trees was conducted in Ado and Gboko Local Government Areas of Benue State during May/June 2022 farming season. A total of sixty (60) rhizosphere soil samples each from the two (2) local government areas were collected at a depth of 10-15 cm using auger. The soil samples were then transported to Crop Protection Department Laboratory, Modibbo Adama University, Yola for extraction and identification at the generic level using the standard identification keys. Results showed a total of ten and eight genera of PPNs were identified from the soil samples collected from around the root of citrus trees in Ado and Gboko local government areas respectively. These genera, in a general descending order of occurrence frequency (FO %) were: Tylenchulus (59.00), Helicotylenchus (28.00), Pratylenchus (41.00), Rotylenchulus (25.00), Trichodorus (20.00), Melodogyne (19.00), Radopholus (14.00), Longidorus (11.00) Xiphinema (8.00) and Scutellonema. (6.00). Among the plant-parasitic nematodes identified, Tylenchulus spp. appears to be the most abundant in occurrence and population density on the citrus orchards surveyed in the two surveyed location with a frequency of occurrence of 59.00 and 52.00 and a population density of 924% and 532% in Ado and Gboko respectively. While Scutellonema and Rotylenchulu are the least frequently occurring nematodes
in Ado and Gboko local government areas respectively. Based on the obtained result, it was concluded that the occurrence of PPN is probably because the local environmental and soil conditions are more suitable for their growth.
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