Evaluation of bioactiveconstituents and In vitro antioxidant potentials of the ethanolic leaf extracts of Dracaena mannii, Euphorbia hirta and Senna alata
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The current study investigated the phytochemical constituents and in vitro antioxidant activities of the ethanolic leaf extracts of Dracaena mannii, Euphorbita hirta and Senna alata. The phytochemical analyses of the leaf extracts showed varying amounts of important compounds such as tannins, phenols, alkaloids, flavoniods, protein and carbohydrates. Findings from the in-vitro free radical mopping abilities of the ethanolic leaf extracts against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl and nitric oxide radical (NO•) as well as the reducing power and total antioxidant capacities revealed abilities to quell oxidative stress with S. alata > E. hirta > D. mannii excluding the NO• radical inhibition activity. This relationship was also reflected in the IC50/EC50 values obtained, suggesting that the S. alata ethanolic leaf extract has the best antioxidant potential while E. hirta showed better activities than D. mannii. Thus, the leaves of S. alata could be further investigated for other biological potentials and possibly employed in the application of
leaves against diseases that are implicated by oxidative stress.
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