Administration of chemically ripened banana (Musa acuminate) juice to male Wistar rats depletes blood cells via impaired hematopoiesis
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The use of chemicals such as calcium carbide to ripen fruits instigates toxicity; inclusion of the chemically ripened fruits in the preparation of juices may induce blood cells depletion by altering hematopoiesis via declined functionality of erythropoietin, leukopoietin, thrombopoietin, interleukin-3, prostaglandins, hematopoietic stem cells; resulting to reduction in cellular components of blood. The blood cell depletion potentials of chemically ripened banana juice were investigated in 20 male Wistar rats categorized into four; Group A (control), Group B (administered naturally ripened banana juice), Group C & D (administered juices composed of 15mg/kg and 25mg/kg of calcium carbide ripened banana) (n=5). Following the administration protocol of the banana juice for 28days, data was obtained and statistically analyzed using GraphPad prism (version 8). Chemically ripened banana juices significantly decreased erythropoietin, leukopoietin, thrombopoietin, interleukin-3, prostaglandins (PGE2), hematopoietic stem cells and cellular components of
blood in a dose-dependent manner. Reduction in packed cell volume (PCV), hemoglobin concentration and increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR); which suggests indication of anemia and red blood cell inflammation were also observed. The study suggests that chronic consumption of calcium carbide ripened banana juices induces alteration of hematopoiesis which results to depletion of blood cells.
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