A review of the antifungal activities of mint plant extracts against fungal isolates.
Main Article Content
Mint an aromatic plant is rich in essential oil and widely used for its condiment in foods. It has medicinal potential in traditional medicine. Fungi infection and its management can be challenging due to the adverse effect of presently available drugs. This paper discusses the potential of mint as an antifungal agent. A literature search using PubMed and the keywords that relates to “Mentha” “mint” “antifungal activity”, among others was carried out and data obtained was analyzed using a bibliometric tool. Relevant articles included in our studies were restricted to mint family, fungi of clinical importance, assessment and extraction methods, among others. Here, analysis shows Candida albicans is the must studied appearing in 39 studies, followed by Candida glabrata (12 times). Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus appeared in 9 and 8 studies, respectively. Mentha piperita was the most abundant mint species used in 28 studies tested against Candida albicans. Other mint, Mentha longifolia, Mentha spicata, and Mentha pulegium, among other were identified. Antifungal susceptibility measurement with the highest zone of inhibition was 90 mm from M. piperita exerted on C. albicans growth. Also, zone of inhibition measured at 10 mm was exerted by M. pulegium, Lavandula stoechas. ssp. stoechas, Nepeta cataria oil extract against Candida spp., and Aspergillus spp. at MIC values of 0.25mg/ml and 125μg/ml. The MIC value of 0.001 to 0.06 mg/ml M. piperita inhibit growth of Candida species. With respect to percentile inhibition Mentha piperita and Origanum vulgare demonstrated anti-fungal activity at 70 to 100% on various fungi species, suggesting these mint species to be an effective source of fungicidal agents. Mentha piperita and other mint species extracts show a wide range of inhibitory activities against fungi growth, the various identified extracts and their antimicrobial activity were compared for different solvents, and are then so discussed.
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